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unseren Publikationen der letzten Jahre.
- Tacke, R., Ecke, W., Höfer, M., Sass, O., & Link, W. (2022). Fine-mapping of the major locus for vicine and convicine in faba bean (Vicia faba) and marker-assisted breeding of a novel, low vicine and convicine winter faba bean population. Plant Breeding, 141( 5), 644– 657.
- Tacke, R., Höfer, M., Angra D., O’Sullivan, D., Link, W. (2019) High-resolution map fragments from three bi-parental crosses to zoom into the genomic vicinity of a known major gene for very low vicine and convicine seed content in faba bean (Vicia faba L.). International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (ICLGG) 13-17 May 2019, Dijon, France
- Maria Rosenhauer, F. Felsenstein, H.P. Piepho, M. Höfer und J. Petersen (2015) Segregation of non-target-site resistance to herbicides in multiple-resistant Alopecurus myosuroides plants. Weed Research. 55 (3), 298-308
- Hanana Mohsen, Samia Daldoul, Romain Fouquet, Laurent Deluc, Céline Léon, Michael Hoefer, François Barrieu and Abdelwahed Ghorbel (2014) Identification and characterization of a seed-specific grapevine dehydrin involved in abiotic stress response within tolerant varieties. Turk J Bot 38: 1157-1168
- Michael U. Höfer, Friedrich Felsenstein, Maria Rosenhauer und Jan Petersen (2014) Molekulare Analyse der metabolischen Resistenz in Acker-Fuchsschwanz. Julius Kühn Archiv 443, Proceedings 26th German Conference on Weed Biology and Weed Control, Henning Nordmeyer und Lena Ulber (Hrg), pp 73-80
- Samia Daldoul, Michael U. Höfer, Abdelwahed Ghorbel and Ahmed Mliki (2012) “Differential Expression of Osmotic Stress-associated ESTS in Grapevine Cultivars (Vitis Vinifera. L) Cultivated under Salt and Drought Stresses” in “Grapevines: Varieties, Cultivation and Management”. P. V. Szabo, J. Shojania (eds) Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, pp. 169-183
ISBN: 978-1-62100-361-8. - S. Daldoul, A. Mliki, M. U. Höfer (2012) Suppressive Subtractive Hybridization Method Analysis and its Application to Salt Stress in Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Russian Journal of Genetics 48 (2) 179-185.
- Samia Daldoul, Michael Hoefer, and Ahmed Mliki (2012) Osmotic stress induces the expression of VvMAP kinase gene in grapevine (Vitis vinifera. L), Journal of Botany Volume 2012, Article ID 737035, 4 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/737035.
- Samia Daldoul, Imen Toumi, Götz M. Reustle, Gabi Krczal, Abdelwahed Ghorbel, Ahmed Mliki and Michael U. Höfer (2012) Molecular cloning and characterisation of a cDNA encoding a putative alkaline alpha-galactosidase from grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) that is differentially expressed under osmotic stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 34 (2), 731-742.
- Samia Daldoul, Sabine Guillaumie, Götz M. Reustle, Gabi Krczal, Abdelwahed Ghorbel, Serge Delrot, Ahmed Mliki, Michael U. Höfer (2010) Isolation and expression analysis of salt induced genes from contrasting grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars. Plant Science 179: 489–498.
- Samia Daldoul, Synda Chenenanoui, Ahmed Mliki and Michael Höfer (2009) Improvement of an RNA purification method for grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) suitable for cDNA library construction. Acta Physiol Plant, 31: 871–875.
- Samia Daldoul, Michael U. Höfer, Claudia Linhard, Neila Jallouli, Ahmed Mliki, Götz M. Reustle and Abdelwahed Ghorbel (2008) Expression analysis of salt stress responsive genes in grapevines. In Biosaline Agriculture and High Salinity Tolerance pp. 297-303. Abdelly, C., Öztürk, M., Ege Ashraf, M., Grignon, C. (eds), Birkhäuser Verlag AG, Basel, Switzerland.
- Michael U. Hoefer, Samia Daldoul, Claudia Linhard, Wahid Ghorbel, Gabi Krczal and Goetz M. Reustle (2005) Isolation and Characterisation of Salt Stress-associated cDNAs from a Stress-tolerant Mediterranean V. vinifera Variety. Proceedings International Grape Genomics Symposium, The International Grape Genome Program and Missouri State University, USA Wenping Qiu and Laszlo G. Kovacs (Eds). pp. 131-136
- Michael U. Höfer, Samia Daldoul, Claudia Linhard, Wahid Ghorbel, Götz Reustle, Gabi Krczal (2005) Isolierung und Charakterisierung Salzstress-assoziierter cDNAs aus einer stresstoleranten mediterranen V. vinifera-Sorte. 18. Tagung Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen in Dabringhausen der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft